Winter Speaker Series


Unseen but Everywhere:
Plankton & Particles!

Harry Nelson and Heather Anne Wright
Fluid Imaging Technologies

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015, 7:00pm
Bowdoinham Town Offices

Friends of Merrymeeting Bay (FOMB) continues its 18th annual WinterSpeaker Series with  Unseen but Everywhere: Plankton & Particles! featuring Harry Nelson and Heather Anne Wright of Fluid Imaging Technologies on Wednesday, May 13th, 7:00pm at Bowdoinham Town Offices. The event is free and open to the public.

In the summer of 2014, FOMB took an opportunity to probe the unseen but prolific phytoplankton (plant) and zooplankton (animal) community in Merrymeeting Bay. With cooperation from Fluid Imaging Technologies (FIT) in Scarborough, FOMB utilized FIT's FlowCAM, the first automated particle analysis instrument using digital imaging, to measure the size and shape of microscopic life in Bay water samples. This final presentation of the 2014-2015 series will be led by Harry Nelson from FIT, discussing how FlowCAM was developed and the numerous industries it serves. Harry and Heather Anne Wright, marine ecologist, will then share images and findings from the Merrymeeting Bay sampling and explain the importance of plankton to the global ecosystem.

Harry Nelson has over 25 years of experience in manufacturing and sales with numerous high-tech firms. After graduating from Colby College with a B.A. in Environmental Studies he went on to receive his M.B.A from University of New Hampshire. For the past nine years, Harry has worked at Fluid Imaging where he is responsible for worldwide sales and product development of FlowCAM.

Heather Anne Wright has a Master of Philosophy in Life & Biomolecular Sciences from The Open University/Statzione Zoologica in Naples, Italy. For over 18 years, Heather has been involved in oceanographic research, phytoplankton identification, biogeochemistry, marine science and educational outreach. She spent last summer as a wildlife management technician on for IF&W on Swan Island. With her background in particle analysis, Wright has recently been hired to provide technical support to FIT customers.

Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc. manufactures industry-leading particle analysis instrumentation based on digital imaging technology. Their flagship product, the FlowCAM, is the first automated particle analysis instrument to use digital imaging for measuring size and shape of microscopic particles in a fluid medium. With applications in oceanographic research, municipal water, biopharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, oil and gas, biofuels and many other markets, Fluid Imaging Technologies is a leader in imaging particle analysis.

The FlowCAM is in use by the U.S. EPA, FDA, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, among hundreds of other organizations in over 40 countries and on every continent.

FOMB hosts their Winter Speaker Series October-May and Summer Outside Series May-September. The Speaker Series presentations are always free and open to the public and supported by Patagonia, Inc. in Freeport. This season's Outside Series begins with a Shore Clean-up on Saturday May 23rd.

Visit to see the full event schedules, become a member, and learn more about how you can help protect beautiful Merrymeeting Bay.

Call Kathleen McGee, 666-3598

Watercolors by
Sarah Stapler